Level 60, Warrior
Eternal Fury
DKP Information
Point account name | EP | GP | Adjustment | PR | Raids (30 days) | Raids (60 days) | Raids (90 days) | Raids (lifetime) |
Default | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0% (0/0) | 0% (0/0) | 0% (0/0) | 99% (122/123) |
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Raid Attendance History
Date | Name | Note | Value |
15.04.21 | Naxxaramas | Kel'Thuzad | 0.00 |
08.04.21 | Naxxaramas | Baron Geddon, Kel'Thuzad | 0.00 |
08.06.20 | Blackwing Lair | Broodlord Lashlayer, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Nefarian, Firemaw, Chromaggus, Razorgore the Untamed, Flamegor, Ebonroc | 0.00 |
... 3 entries found |
Item Purchase History
Date | Buyer | Name | Raid | Itempool | Value |
08.06.20 | Turtank | Emberweave Leggings | Blackwing Lair | default | 0.00 |
08.04.21 | Turtank | Glyph of Deflection | Naxxaramas | default | 0.00 |
08.04.21 | Turtank | Desecrated Legplates | Naxxaramas | default | 0.00 |
... 3 entries found |
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