Date |
Name |
Note |
Value |
24.09.20 |
Nefarian, Ragnaros |
0.00 |
10.08.20 |
Flamegor, Magmadar, Majordomo Executus, Razorgore the Untamed, Nefarian, Ragnaros, Golemagg the Incinerator, Chromaggus, Firemaw, Lucifron, Shazzrah, Ebonroc, Garr, Broodlord Lashlayer |
0.00 |
03.09.20 |
Firemaw, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Majordomo Executus, Nefarian, Broodlord Lashlayer, Garr, Ragnaros, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator |
0.00 |
15.11.21 |
Kael'thas Sunstrider |
0.00 |
05.03.20 |
Trash Mob, Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros |
0.00 |
28.01.21 |
Kel'Thuzad, C'thun |
0.00 |
29.03.21 |
Kel'Thuzad, Garr |
0.00 |
17.02.20 |
0.00 |
02.03.20 |
Extra reset |
0.00 |
01.06.20 |
Gehennas, Magmadar, Golemagg the Incinerator, Ragnaros, Majordomo Executus, Garr, Sulfuron Harbinger, Lucifron |
0.00 |
04.06.20 |
Ragnaros, Magmadar, Lucifron, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah |
0.00 |
25.05.20 |
0.00 |
18.05.20 |
Ragnaros, Majordomo Executus, Sulfuron Harbinger, Garr, Golemagg the Incinerator, Gehennas |
0.00 |
11.05.20 |
Ragnaros |
0.00 |
10.12.20 |
The Four Horsemen, Kel'Thuzad, Maexxna, Loatheb |
0.00 |
20.08.20 |
Ouro, C'thun, Twin Emperors, Viscidus, Princess Huhuran |
0.00 |
04.01.21 |
Kel'Thuzad, Nefarian |
0.00 |
27.08.20 |
Unknown, Viscidus, Ouro, C'thun, Silithid Royalty, The Prophet Skeram, Princess Huhuran, Battleguard Sartura, Twin Emperors, Fankriss the Unyielding |
0.00 |
25.02.21 |
The Four Horsemen, Kel'Thuzad |
0.00 |
07.09.20 |
C'thun, Silithid Royalty, The Prophet Skeram, Battleguard Sartura, Princess Huhuran, Fankriss the Unyielding, Twin Emperors, Viscidus |
0.00 |
22.04.21 |
Kel'Thuzad, Garr, Baron Geddon |
0.00 |
10.09.20 |
C'thun |
0.00 |
07.10.21 |
Morogrim Tidewalker, Fathom-Lord Karathress, Magtheridon, Lady Vashj, Gruul the Dragonkiller, High King Maulgar |
0.00 |
21.09.20 |
Unknown |
0.00 |
23.07.20 |
Ragnaros, Nefarian, Lucifron, Shazzrah, Garr, Magmadar, Majordomo Executus, Gehennas, Golemagg the Incinerator |
0.00 |
28.09.20 |
C'thun |
0.00 |
24.08.20 |
Nefarian, Chromaggus, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ragnaros, Garr, Magmadar, Razorgore the Untamed, Flamegor, Ebonroc, Shazzrah, Golemagg the Incinerator |
0.00 |
01.10.20 |
C'thun, Nefarian, Baron Geddon |
0.00 |
17.09.20 |
Baron Geddon |
0.00 |
08.10.20 |
Nefarian, C'thun |
0.00 |
07.12.20 |
Thaddius, Gothik the Harvester, Instructor Razuvious |
0.00 |
22.10.20 |
C'thun, Chromaggus, Nefarian |
0.00 |
17.12.20 |
Kel'Thuzad, The Four Horsemen, Unknown, Maexxna |
0.00 |
29.10.20 |
C'thun, Nefarian |
0.00 |
14.01.21 |
Kel'Thuzad, Ouro, Fankriss the Unyielding, C'thun |
0.00 |
09.11.20 |
C'thun |
0.00 |
11.02.21 |
Kel'Thuzad, C'thun, The Four Horsemen, Fankriss the Unyielding |
0.00 |
12.11.20 |
C'thun, Nefarian |
0.00 |
11.03.21 |
Kel'Thuzad, Unknown |
0.00 |
19.11.20 |
C'thun, Nefarian, Razorgore the Untamed |
0.00 |
08.04.21 |
Baron Geddon, Kel'Thuzad |
0.00 |
26.11.20 |
0.00 |
23.08.21 |
Gruul the Dragonkiller, High King Maulgar, Magtheridon |
0.00 |
03.12.20 |
C'thun, Nefarian |
0.00 |
26.05.22 |
M'uru, Eredar Twins, Felmyst |
0.00 |
21.12.20 |
C'thun, Nefarian |
0.00 |
26.09.21 |
High King Maulgar, Al'ar, High Astromancer Solarian, Void Reaver, Magtheridon |
0.00 |
29.12.20 |
Battleguard Sartura, Chromaggus, Nefarian, Unknown, C'thun, Fankriss the Unyielding, Twin Emperors, Princess Huhuran |
0.00 |
16.07.20 |
Ragnaros, Gehennas, Garr, Lucifron, Unknown, Razorgore the Untamed, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Firemaw, Magmadar, Shazzrah |
0.00 |
05.01.21 |
C'thun, Baron Geddon |
0.00 |
29.07.20 |
Nefarian, Golemagg the Incinerator, Flamegor, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Chromaggus, Unknown, Garr, Majordomo Executus, Magmadar |
0.00 |
07.01.21 |
Baron Geddon, C'thun |
0.00 |
13.08.20 |
Ragnaros, Nefarian, Firemaw, Chromaggus, Flamegor, Ebonroc, Broodlord Lashlayer, Lucifron, Majordomo Executus, Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger |
0.00 |
04.03.21 |
C'thun |
0.00 |
31.08.20 |
Nefarian, Magmadar, Ragnaros, Broodlord Lashlayer, Garr, Majordomo Executus, Chromaggus, Golemagg the Incinerator, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt |
0.00 |
20.02.20 |
Razorgore, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian |
0.00 |
14.09.20 |
Nefarian, Ragnaros |
0.00 |
27.02.20 |
Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian, Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros |
0.00 |
17.09.20 |
Baron Geddon |
0.00 |
09.03.20 |
Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Broodlord Lashlayer, Firemaw, Ebonroc, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian |
0.00 |
05.11.20 |
Nefarian |
0.00 |
16.03.20 |
0.00 |
08.12.20 |
Unknown |
0.00 |
19.03.20 |
11:00 - 18:13 |
0.00 |
14.12.20 |
Nefarian, Kel'Thuzad, C'thun |
0.00 |
26.03.20 |
Nefarian, Ragnaros, Onyxia |
0.00 |
28.12.20 |
Unknown, The Four Horsemen, Kel'Thuzad, Maexxna |
0.00 |
06.04.20 |
Ragnaros, Nefarian, Onyxia |
0.00 |
11.01.21 |
Kel'Thuzad |
0.00 |
09.04.20 |
Nefarian, Ragnaros, Onyxia |
0.00 |
21.01.21 |
C'thun, Kel'Thuzad |
0.00 |
20.04.20 |
Nefarian |
0.00 |
04.02.21 |
Kel'Thuzad, Battleguard Sartura, C'thun |
0.00 |
23.04.20 |
Nefarian |
0.00 |
18.02.21 |
Garr, Kel'Thuzad |
0.00 |
07.05.20 |
Nefarian |
0.00 |
08.03.21 |
Kel'Thuzad |
0.00 |
14.05.20 |
Nefarian, Firemaw, Chromaggus, Flamegor, Broodlord Lashlayer, Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Ebonroc |
0.00 |
22.03.21 |
Unknown, Garr |
0.00 |
21.05.20 |
0.00 |
05.04.21 |
Kel'Thuzad |
0.00 |
28.05.20 |
0.00 |
15.04.21 |
Kel'Thuzad |
0.00 |
08.06.20 |
Broodlord Lashlayer, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Nefarian, Firemaw, Chromaggus, Razorgore the Untamed, Flamegor, Ebonroc |
0.00 |
05.08.21 |
Magtheridon, Gruul the Dragonkiller |
0.00 |
15.06.20 |
Garr, Flamegor, Magmadar, Gehennas, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Ebonroc, Majordomo Executus, Nefarian, Golemagg the Incinerator, Lucifron, Shazzrah, Chromaggus, Firemaw, Broodlord Lashlayer, Razorgore the Untamed, Ragnaros, Sulfuron Harbinger |
0.00 |
25.10.21 |
Kael'thas Sunstrider |
0.00 |
22.06.20 |
Nefarian, Broodlord Lashlayer, Ragnaros, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Firemaw, Razorgore the Untamed, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt |
0.00 |
25.04.22 |
Unknown, Illidan Stormrage |
0.00 |
25.06.20 |
Lucifron, Magmadar, Sulfuron Harbinger, Ebonroc, Firemaw, Broodlord Lashlayer, Razorgore the Untamed, Flamegor, Chromaggus, Nefarian, Ragnaros, Garr, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Majordomo Executus, Baron Geddon, Golemagg the Incinerator |
0.00 |
17.06.21 |
Gruul the Dragonkiller, Magtheridon |
0.00 |
06.07.20 |
Garr, Flamegor, Magmadar, Ragnaros, Lucifron, Golemagg the Incinerator, Nefarian, Baron Geddon, Chromaggus, Majordomo Executus, Gehennas, Broodlord Lashlayer |
0.00 |
16.09.21 |
Fathom-Lord Karathress, Hydross the Unstable, Leotheras the Blind, The Lurker Below |
0.00 |
13.07.20 |
Shazzrah, Nefarian, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt, Ragnaros, Firemaw, Razorgore the Untamed, Broodlord Lashlayer, Golemagg the Incinerator, Chromaggus, Majordomo Executus, Ebonroc |
0.00 |
08.11.21 |
Kael'thas Sunstrider |
0.00 |
24.02.20 |
Trash Mob, Lucifron, Magmadar, Gehennas, Garr, Baron Geddon, Shazzrah, Sulfuron Harbinger, Golemagg the Incinerator, Majordomo Executus, Ragnaros |
0.00 |